Unique Tour Experiences
Unique Tour Experiences

Columbia Montour Covered Bridges

Columbia Montour Covered Bridges
Come explore the Covered Bridges of Columbia & Montour Counties! Picturesque and historic, they recall a time when life was simpler and closer to the land. On a yearly basis, visitors from all over the world come to admire the antique craftsmanship of the bridges and relax in the quiet countryside. Symbols of small-town America, these covered bridges coax travelers off the beaten path to explore little streams and forgotten dirt roads.

Thomas Edison Illuminated Walking Tour

Thomas Edison Illuminated Walking Tour
On a September evening in 1883, the famed inventor, Thomas Edison, led a crowd of townspeople through Shamokin to demonstrate his new electric lighting system. The Edison Illuminated Walking Tour follows the path of Edison's groundbreaking tour that evening. Step back in time as you visit sites connected with Edison's world-changing work in Shamokin. Walk the steps of the tour he led, showcasing the first commercial use of his electrical system for home, business, and church. Learn about the Shamokin business leaders who invested in the first Edison Electric Illuminating Company in the world.

Underground Railroad

Underground Railroad
The Underground Railroad was used to describe the informal network to aide escaped slaves moving north, and this tour highlights our region’s history with stops in Lewisburg, South Williamsport, Williamsport, Pennsdale, and Muncy. You’ll also learn about the local abolitionist movement, and disturbances related to the debate. The tour does not have to be completed in its entirety, and you’re welcome to visit particular sites that are of interest to you, at your own pace.